Embrace the Digital Revolution! Maryland Historical Trust’s Historic Revitalization Tax Credit Application Now Online

Beginning earlier this month, Maryland Historical Trust’s (MHT) historic revitalization tax credit applications for this year’s competitive commercial tax credit round, and any federal applications, can now be  submitted electronically.

How will this work? MHT will accept applications using a secure system via Microsoft Teams. (External users will not need a Microsoft Teams account to access this secure system, though a valid email address is required.) MHT will also accept electronic payments for review fees through a secure payment system.

If you are planning on applying for the competitive commercial tax credit, please contact MHT Tax Credit staff at mht.taxcredits@maryland.gov to get started with a Microsoft Teams channel. Updated applications for the competitive commercial program are now available. Instructions for how to submit an electronic application are also posted on MHT’s website. The deadline for this year’s competitive commercial tax credit application round remains August 31, 2023

If you are looking to apply for a state small commercial or state homeowner historic revitalization tax credit, keep an eye out for more information soon, as MHT will be transitioning these programs’ applications to electronic submissions by the end of September 2023. 

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